<h2>Commodore 64</h2>

4-joystick adapter

Nokre spel er modifiserte for å støtte opptil 4 joystiks. CGC / Protovision adapteret er det mest kompatible for å kople til ekstra joysticks til C64. I tillegg støttar enkelte emulatorar fire joysticks, til dømes emulatoren VICE. Sjå Wikipedia-sida Commodore 64 joystick adapters.

4-joystick spel

Samandragsliste over spel for 3-4 spelarar, oppdatert per 2009. (Mest frå listene til Protovision og Hitmen og Nostalgia, men også nokre til.) PS: må legge til info frå denne sida.

Bomb Mania, 4p by Protovision, info
International Karate + GOLD / IK+ Gold, 3p by The Dreams, doc - NB: 'shift'+'F5' for at taperen skal forbli inne, '+' for å auke tida
(?) Tie Break, 4p by Starbyte,
(?) Bug bomber, 4p by Kingsoft,
(?) Grubz, 4p by , Singular Crew
Snacks 4 snakes, 4p by Protovision, info, "Snakes"
Pack It (preview only), 4p by Protovision, info, "Packman"
(?) Tanks 3000, 4p by Protovision, info
(?) Hockey Mania, 4p by Protovision, info
(?) Garrison, 4p by Nostalgia, info
Quadris, 4p by Protovision, (no info), "Tetris"
Quadtron, ?p by Protovision, (no info), "Snakes"
Rampage Gold, 3p by The Dreams, (no info)
Super Off Road, 3p by Nostalgia, info, "One screen car game"
(?) Marble Madness, 4p by Nostalgia, (no info)
(?) Team Patrol, 4p by Protovision, info
Phong, 4p by Triad (cf Hitmen), "Reflecting a ball"
Amazing Maze, 3p by Triad (cf Hitmen), "One screen labyrinth"
Alone in the Green, game and 4p by Edikles, info and download - "Labyrinth"
Tour de France, 4p by Hack'n Trade, info - "joystick-sliter"
For other adapters:
SpaceBalls 2-8 players, special adapter.
Unfinished projects:
(-) Detonators 2, ?p coming by Digital excess cf Hitmen, (no info)
(-) BMX Simulator 2 Gold, 4p "coming" in 2001 Groepaz, Hitmen, (no info)